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Working papers (under review or in progress)

Adverse Weather Events and Mental Health: Evidence from Health Insurance Records

with Martin Halla, Gerald J. Pruckner and Gernot Wagner, 2023


Evaluating Efficiency of Complex Behavioral Interventions Promoting Energy Conservation: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial

with Jed J. Cohen, Andrea Kollmann, Johannes Reichl, 2023.


Investment Cost Specifications Revisited with Mathias Mier, 2022 (under review)


Endogenous Technological Change in Power Market Models with Jacqueline Adelowo and Mathias Mier, 2022 (under review)

Investor Type Heterogeneity in Bottom-Up Optimization Models with Mathias Mier, WP-No. 362 ifo

Published papers

The drivers of individual climate actions in Europe (with Johannes Reichl, Jed J. Cohen, Christian A Klöckner, Andrea Kollmann), Global Environmental Change, 2021, Vol. 71, 102390.


Market Stability Reserve under exogenous shock: The case of COVID-19 pandemic (with Mathias Mier), Applied Energy, 2021, Vol. 283, 116351.


Tackling the challenge of interdisciplinary energy research: A research toolkit (with Jed J. Cohen, Christian A. Klöckner, Andrea Kollmann, Erica Löfström, Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini, J. Gareth Polhill, Johannes Reichl, Douglas Salt), Energy Research & Social Science, 2021, Vol. 74, 101966.


Preferences for community renewable energy investments in Europe (with Jed J. Cohen, Andrea Kollmann, Johannes Reichl), Energy Economics, 2021, Vol. 100, 105386.


The potential for community financed electric vehicle charging infrastructure (with Jed J. Cohen, Andrea Kollmann, Johannes Reichl), Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, Vol. 88, 102541.


Reducing household electricity consumption during evening peak demand times: Evidence from a field experiment (with Jed J. Cohen, Andrea Kollmann, Johannes Reichl), Energy Policy, 2020, Vol. 144, 111657.


Exploring the impact of network tariffs on household electricity expenditures using load profiles and socio-economic characteristics (with Dominik Engel, Cornelia Ferner, Andrea Kollmann, Johannes Reichl), Nature Energy, 2018, Vol. 3, 317-325

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